Free Bird
Miwa Shioya
My beloved speaks and says to me,
‘Arise, my love, my fair one,
and come away.
For behold, the winter is past,
the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth once again;
The time for singing has come,
and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.'
Song of Songs 2:10-12
税込1500円 CDはこちらから!
9月3日(土) リリースライブ!@Paz Coffee Shop

1 浅い眠り
Written by 岩渕まこと
2 Hymn Medley 讃美歌メドレー
Jesus loves me Written by Anna Bartlett Warner,
William Bradbury Amazing grace Written by John Newton
Near the cross Written by Fanny Crosby
3 The Party in the Kingdom
Written by 坂上悦子 (I know I've been changed / Traditional)
4 Negro Spiritual Medley 黒人霊歌メドレー
Glory Hallelujah (Since I laid my burdens down) ~ This little light of mine ~ Jesus on the mainline ~ Down by the riverside
5 愛を伝えよう
Written by 佐々木潤
塩谷美和: Produce (M1,2,4,5), Vocals (M1,2,3,4,5), Chorus (M3,5),Tambourine (M4)
塩谷達也: All arrangements & instruments (M1), Chorus (M5)
岩渕まこと: Resonator Guitar (M1)
廣瀬みちる: Piano (M2)
坂上悦子: Produce & Vocal arrangements (M3)
前田サラ: Alto Sax (M3)
佐藤主一: Track Making (M3)
山本裕太: All arrangements, Piano & Organ (M4)
Mika Sweetbeats: Drums (M4)
佐々木潤: Keyboards (M5)
塩谷達也 at LukeLeia Studio (M1,M5)
峯岸司 at STUDIO MARK (M1,M2,M5)
佐藤主一 (M2,M3,M4,M5)
山本裕太 at GAMA Studio (M4)
Pictures & Design: Graham Flemings
Artwork Design: 佐々木摂子
Photography: 角谷隼人